Field Tech Mobile App
Field staff use the field tech mobile app to easily complete jobs while on the go. The app is simple to use and requires minimum to no training. Listed jobs are already sorted to reduce driving time and mileage. Download it today or use the web version.
Get Started
- Use the field tech app on phones, tablets or laptops.
- Create user accounts for all your field technicians.
- Disable field tech access at any time.
Track field tech location while they are clocked in.

Start/End Shift
- Track your field tech work time automatically.
- Track your field tech mileage via car odometer.
- Allow for personal or company vehicle selection.
- Send start and end shift notes to office staff.
- Allow field techs to enter non-paid breaks.
Job List
View list of completed/skipped and assigned jobs.
Display optimized route as it appears on the dispatch board.
Navigate to jobs via Google Maps, Apple Maps or Waze.
Send on the way notifications via SMS, phone call or email.
Inform field techs of yards with unsafe dogs.

Complete job
- Auto-record job start and end times.
- Share private notes with office only.
- Share photos with both client and office.
Auto-increment billing counter for postpaid clients.
- Auto-send job completion notifications upon request.
Skip Job
- Skip individual jobs quickly and easily.
Auto-bill postpaid clients based on skip reasons.
- Notify office of skipped jobs via dispatch board.
- Enhance skip jobs with a note and photo.
Notify clients of skipped jobs via email.